Bolanlejesu Akinola Writer @ Medium, Substack ...
city Dublin, Ireland
In Christian Theology 1 min read
The mystery
It's an anomaly or rather, a mystery that we are to mourn yet rejoice. Suffer affliction yet rejoice. Run, but be patient while running. A mystery; That the Son of Man is also the Son of God. That we humans, the low-lifes are called 'gods'. That diversity can result to unity. That God intended or brings good from the product of bad. That gold has to first go through fire. It cannot be fully understood yet we have to understand We have to strive till the end for salvation but the reality is we already have it. We have to pray without ceasing as much as we must not stop working hard It's a mystery we uncover. We uncover the breadth and length, the depth and height of the love of God for us But we cannot understand fully. We must study as ambassadors of Christ but we must still study with the Spirit. The Spirit in Christ in God is one. The God in us is One. God seeks our faith but afterwards, He wants our works Let's look unto Jesus, let's watch Let's uncover, let's understand Let's be open, yet let us guard. Let us love but rebuke, let's contend. God is in us, God is One. We are One. It's a mystery that we must uncover.
The mystery
By Bolanlejesu Akinola
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